Thriving After Divorce

& Co-Parenting Therapy

You recited vows, built a life together, and now it’s over. Whether it’s amicable or acrimonious, divorce is one of the hardest things you’ll ever go through. I’m here to help you get to the other side—and thrive.


Going through divorce is exhausting and painful. And when it’s finalized, instead of feeling free and ready for your next chapter, it can leave you feeling raw, isolated, and uncertain.

There’s no getting around it: When your relationship deteriorates, it’s devastating. But after you get through the worst of the pain of divorce or separation, you’ve got a new challenge: co-parenting and stuck in the same power struggles you had when you were together. You may even feel that your ex-partner is going out of their way to provoke you to create and maintain conflict.

I’ve gone through my own divorce and co-parenting journey, and I’d love to help you learn how to take care of yourself while you take care of your kids.

My own divorce story

I got divorced in 2009 when my kids were 2 and 6. I had no family members nearby to support me, and I felt lonely, confused, and overwhelmed daily. It was easily one of the hardest chapters of my life.

It wasn’t easy, but over time I came to see that my divorce was actually the best thing that ever happened to me.

I learned to set boundaries, put my wellness first, and become a happier me. None of these things could have happened if I had stayed in my previous marriage.

I love helping people discover themselves after divorce, and I look forward to meeting you.

How therapy can help after divorce

Divorce can leave you with way more questions than you have answers. I want to help you navigate the journey.

Working together, I’ll help you:

● Process feelings of loss, grief and anger

• Figure out why the marriage fell apart

● Reflect on how your ex-spouse treated you during the marriage

● Learn new ways of responding to your ex’s challenging behavior

● Set boundaries with your ex in order to protect your peace

● Learn how to communicate with your kids about the changes in their lives

● Regain confidence in yourself after years of being with someone who did not appreciate you

After we work together, my clients say they have more hope and optimism that this new chapter could be their best yet, something they could never have imagined just a few months earlier.

Rediscover the joy of parenting, even with a challenging ex, so you can be more present and open, for you kids and yourself.


Find out if we’re a good fit

Schedule a free 15-minute call with me.